Bidirectional Hobbywing Telemetry for VBar Control Classic and VBar Control touch / EVO

 Hobbywing has finally released their V4.1 Firmware for some of their ESC Series. It can be downloaded here to update the ESC's.

If the VBar Control Classic or VBar Control touch / EVO is already up-to-date no further action or update is required there.

Due some system restrictions the Vbar Control Classic has only access to the basic values. The VBar Control touch/EVO has full access. Read more »

EVO Fix Release

We releaseed an update for the VBar EVO, The VBar Control EVO and the PC Software for VBar EVO. The Release contains some small fixes that appeard at the EVO Launch. Read more »

Framerate Tutorial / Servoraten Anleitung

We have compiled a Tutorial to understanding and using the new framerate settings on VBar EVOs >here

Wir haben eine Anleitung zusammengestellt, wie die neue Servoratenfunktion der VStabi EVO genutzt werden kann >hier

VTV EVO 26.11.2022

VBar and VControl EVO

Its time to announce a new step of evolution of our NEO and VControl Touch.

EVO means Evolution, that what we have done in the past month.

We like to show you the exicting story behind the new product, from inside and outside. You are invited to join our Livestream we set up at Saturday, 26.11.2022 at 8pm Central european time. Feel free to ask questions during the stream, we set up a forum post where you ask them.

Update Release for VBar Control touch and VBar Control

The latest update for both radios contains some small improvements at particular apps, a improved battery handling (VBC-t), a additional WiFi simulator (VBC-t) and of course the required apps to use the Mikado Heli Trainer (both).

Here a bit more details in short words:

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