VBar @ IRCHA 2010, Muncie IN USA

11.08.2010 bis 15.08.2010

This year mikado is one of the major sponsors in this event. Nearly the complete team will attend as well as our support crew.

Since the Jamboree is a funfly and not a competition, you have the chance to try out things we change or install instantely. There are some hovering zones and regular flight boxes as well. Read more »

New Mini

New Developments on the gyro sensor market and the logical development of the successful V4 are combined in this new Design. A new step by step setup wizzard helps making the setup of your heli a breeze.

Get inspired by the fantastic flight performance of your heli with the new V5 Firmware. Not much to adjust now, but getting best performance out of it. Read more »

Windows 7 /64 Bit

Finally we can provide a certified VBar Driver for the 64 bit flavours of Windows. They will load without further questions, exept that you confirm to trust Mikado.

To make the new driver load, the VBar Unit needs a new USB Id so that it is identified unique in the world. Read more »

VBar Funfly 2010

Now its out: the VBar Funfly will be held  19. und 20 Juni 2010 at MFG Elsava

We will take this opportunity to show the newest products of the mikado brand, but most important is having fun flying flybarless helis together. Read more »

Help on VBar on this Website

The Content of the wiki  is included in the Section  VBar Help now. Here you find alot additional informations how to install and operate your VBar.

The Setup Videos and all needed Software can be found in the Section Version 4.0.

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Toy Fair Nürnberg

Mikado shows some new Items on the Toy Fair in Nürnberg. It also contains some news for VBar.

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