New Voice for VBar Control touch

Update VBar Control touch

Today we have released a update for the VBar Control touch. It contains some small improvements in the background, especially regarding the flight logs. In addition we fixed some minor bugs of course (e.g. missing temperature announcements), improved help texts and added new ESC types. The last known GPS position can be displayed now as QR code even when the model is not connected. The VSim app was redisgned for touch too.

Mikado at Boeblinger Helimeet 09/28/2019

Meet and Greet - Mikado at Boeblinger Helimeet!

Some Team Mikado Pilots and Supporters will take part at the Helimeeting in Boeblingen at 09/28/2019. Stop by with your Models, fly with us, have fun, ask questions -and at least - WIN one of THREE NEOs at the Raffle!

More Info and Registration ... CLICK ... ...

Cloud improvemets

Today we have finished a small rework on the cloud. In the flights overview it is now possible to select flights less than 30s - and also a mass delete fuction (set multiple checks, press the delete button at the list bottom) is implemented now. The same mass delete function is available for the screenshots too.

IRCHA 2019 (Update)

IRCHA 2019 is over now, this time somewhat smaller, but much more relaxed than the years before. We had a nice spacey tent together with Mikado USA and Scorpion near center stage.

This gave us plenty of time to talk to our customers and our friends from all over the world. Small issues or questions were resolved right there from Ron or me.

We got lots of positive feedback, and some good ideas from you, too. Thank you very much for this! Read more »

VBar Control touch Updates

We have added 15 model based and self defined text elements to the own screen design app. Also a smaller battery bar is available now. A preset for large scale ships can be used too. Of course some smaller changes in other apps have been made in addition.

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