Vlink - Sbus - Crossover Buddyboxing
24.03.2020 15:59:14

I am having difficulty setting my throttle percentage lower than 66% on my futaba 14sg.

The setup is

Logo 550sx
Vlink with rescue

Futaba 14sg
Futaba 6303 rx

using the external gov (hobbywing 120a V4)

The model is not always used for crossover buddyboxing. It is sometimes flown only with VBC, and sometimes flown only with Futaba 14sg.

My problem is that when flying only on the 14sg I must set throttle percentage to 66% for bank 1 in order to get the motor to spool. With the VBC, I am able to set throttle percentage to 40 for bank 1. I have tried to lower the external gov throttle out number in the pc software from 60 to 45, but no luck with that method. I have calibrated the esc with the 14sg and that did not remedy the issue either. In fact, same result, with exact same throttle percentage needed to spool.

What am I doing wrong?? Why am I not able to lower the throttle percentage on the futaba 14sg ?

I am unable to attach the video. Please see the vimeo link below to view my description.

Thank you

Re: Vlink - Sbus - Crossover Buddyboxing
24.03.2020 16:05:00

I guess it's covered here, and the cause is a misunderstanding/wrong setup on the Futaba radio, throttle channel to Motor Switch instead of a switching channel for Stop-Idle-Run.

Kind regards


Born to fly ...
forced to work.
Re: Vlink - Sbus - Crossover Buddyboxing
24.03.2020 19:08:52

I was confused in thinking the futaba setup was for internal gov only.

Everything working for now ............

thank you
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