Vbar Neo and Spectrum NX8
25.01.2023 18:05:12
Hello everyone!
I am trying to set up my Goblin helicopter on my new NX8.
I haver VBar NEO with rescue option.
Does anyone know how to configure this option? On the transmitter I have the push button switch assigned to the Aux 3 channel but on the VBar software it does not do nothing when I push t'he switch.

I hope someone can help me

1 mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 25.01.2023 18:06 von Jordi.Basas.
Re: Vbar Neo and Spectrum NX8
27.01.2023 09:14:02
Hi Jordi,

. on your radio, you need to assign an input to a channel which is being output to the VBar NEO (push button -> AUX3, good)
. in VBar NEO, you go (Setup)[Receiver], and assign that channel number (try and error if need be) to Rescue
. then make sure the switch or button does what it's supposed to do (see graph in VBar software), for a button, for Rescue, it must switch between Off and Rescue -> you will have to limit the channel output to 0...+100 % from –100...0...+100 %, and you might need to reverse the channel _in your radio_, to achieve this.
. lastly, check [Swash] Expert/Rescue Settings that the wanted Rescue Mode ([Rescue only] in your case) is selected

Rescue is a three-status-function, A-0-B, Rescue...normal flying...Beginner/Hovering (self leveling). If you assign a two-position-input A-0 or 0-B, you must make sure you only switch between 0 (normal flying) and A/B (Rescue), else you are not able to re-arm the feature after use.
If you were using a three-position-input, A-0-B, you'd only need to make sure Rescue is in the direction you want it.

Kind regards


Born to fly ...
forced to work.
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