Increase the quality of transmission and reception with a NEO
07.08.2024 14:57:06

I have a question, I have two turbine helicopters that measure more than two meters. I would like to strengthen the reception and transmission. Can I add a satellite to my NEO to improve the reception and transmission?

Thank you for your answer.

Best regards

Re: Increase the quality of transmission and reception with a NEO
07.08.2024 17:36:20
You can add a second NEO as slave ...

So am i doing in all my scale ships ;-)

regards (EN) / Gruss (DE)

Rainer Vetter

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Re: Increase the quality of transmission and reception with a NEO
07.08.2024 17:41:42
There is also a difference when having a Interbus with 2 NEO or 2 EVO (they can't be mixed here):

- NEO MUST be connected all 4 orange leads AUX 2+3 on Master and Slave - so both are not available
- NEO sends telemetry always through master only back to VBC
- NEO telemetry can only be connetced on the master

- EVO must be connected only at AUX3 together
- EVO sends telemetry with the best path of all 8 possible paths
- EVO telemetry can be conneted to master and slave

regards (EN) / Gruss (DE)

Rainer Vetter

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1 mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 07.08.2024 17:42 von RV.
Re: Increase the quality of transmission and reception with a NEO
12.08.2024 11:35:19
Hi Rainer,

Thank you very much for your answer, last question. I have powerboxes as power supply, will the master NEO automatically power the second NEO?

Re: Increase the quality of transmission and reception with a NEO
12.08.2024 12:07:32

it does, when ground and live are also are connected.

In fact, the pin header board on a VBar is like a power rail, all +/– pins are connected, and with sufficient copper to sustain 3-digit amperages peak (which a single 'bell wire' or servo connector wouldn't sustain, or not for long ..).
So make sure the wires are sufficiently dimensioned, so they aren't bottlenecks, and use a sufficient connector if you power the whole thing through the Interbus-Harness, like in the photo in the link in the 2nd post.

Kind regards


Born to fly ...
forced to work.
Re: Increase the quality of transmission and reception with a NEO
12.08.2024 13:36:53
Hi Eddy,

Thanks for your reply. I'll try all that.

Best regards

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