Near Crash due to Vbar EVO RC Failsafe Event!!
27.07.2024 17:58:24
Well, nearly pancaked my Nimbus today due to my Vbar EVO shutting down on me. My Nimbus is a new build, never used Vbar EVO which I purchased when the first batch was released. I run the VControl Touch EVO, powered with a HW 120 and Vbar Governor.

Even more interesting, I decided to review the logs on another new build, my Logo 550 SX running all the same equipment. Specifically, another brand new Vbar EVO from the first release. I thought I had experienced a similar problem, but recovered and never checked the logs. Well after review the Vbar EVO clearly cut out on me as I thought. Logs for both heli's attached.

Both heli's are precisely built, balanced, the antenna's are properly situated nor have any damage and both passed a range check without issue. This is not a static issue. Also, both machines are setup for lower head speed, flown smoothly. It seems many others are experiencing this issue. I'm VERY concerned. At this point, I'm simply not feeling comfortable with these units. I do have another Vbar EVO (the latest aluminum case release) I just bought for another bird I can try, but in the meantime I'm expecting some gracious support from Mikado here.

What is needed on my part to send in my two bar EVO's? Also, is there a way to save my current settings so I can easily install the new EVO I have and load my existing file?


Re: Near Crash due to Vbar EVO RC Failsafe Event!!
27.07.2024 18:00:13
Logo 550SX Logs

Re: Near Crash due to Vbar EVO RC Failsafe Event!!
27.07.2024 22:27:00

first - we need to figure out what caused the failsafe/packet loss. Of course we can check teh EVO's - but as 2 are reporting packet losses - it might be better to check the environment first.

- Did you fly at the same place with both ones?
- Where is your field located?
- Is this reproducable in static condition there? (probably with running motor w/o blades)
- how is the current antenna status when performing a range check at this place?

About the setup - there is a menue enty in model setup to store / load from VBC.

regards (EN) / Gruss (DE)

Rainer Vetter

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Re: Near Crash due to Vbar EVO RC Failsafe Event!!
27.07.2024 23:37:47
Can you please add some pictures of the heli so we can take a look if we see any hints.
It does not look like range/antenna problems, since you found the Rangecheck ok, and the CPU does not get resettet or a power drop. Usually these things show up as some scattered packet losses before a failsafe.

so long ... Uli
Re: Near Crash due to Vbar EVO RC Failsafe Event!!
28.07.2024 04:36:04
Hi Rainer,

Yes. Same field. It's my local field. The same field I've been flying my non-vlink NEO with spektrum sats for years without a problem. The same field I fly my Logo 200 without a problem. The same field I fly fixed wing models via Spektrum DSMX without problem. The same field others fly other flight controllers without problem, but I will say it's likely a noisy frequency environment being located in a metro area.

I would doubt if I could reproduce the problem at the field without blades. Both events occurred while flying. It wouldn't be worth my time to try.

As mentioned, range check passed on both models without issue.

I'm not understanding what are you asking me about the setup?

Re: Near Crash due to Vbar EVO RC Failsafe Event!!
28.07.2024 04:39:44
Hi Uli,

I can post a picture, but I don't think you'll find any hints. The antenna's are perfectly situated, I ran the wiring to be sure it doesn't transfer vibration to the unit and I always use the provided gyro tape. I'll send a picture tomorrow.

Re: Near Crash due to Vbar EVO RC Failsafe Event!!
30.07.2024 02:46:12

See attached photo's. Every wire was designed with slack and the canopy does not come in contact with the Vbar.

I snapped these photos before another flight. You'll notice I didn't activate the flight for several minutes. The reason for this, I was confirming another range check which passed without error. I also took a snap shot of my model status window in flight. The Vbar went into failsafe three times while performing nothing more than an upright rectangle through the field (staying in the pattern).

Also, I've spoken with two other pilot friends who also use the VControl Touch EVO with the Vbar EVO at my local field. Neither have experienced the problems I have. The difference, both of them have the latest Vbar EVO release and purchased their VControl EVO late last year. Both my Vbar EVO's are the first release including my Vcontrol Touch EVO.

Please advise. This is quite frustrating and an inconvenience for me.


Re: Near Crash due to Vbar EVO RC Failsafe Event!!
30.07.2024 02:54:50
Logs Attached

Re: Near Crash due to Vbar EVO RC Failsafe Event!!
30.07.2024 02:56:37
Model status screen shot while flying the rectangle.

Re: Near Crash due to Vbar EVO RC Failsafe Event!!
02.08.2024 19:57:56

I know you're busy, but being grounded is a tremendous inconvenience for me as well as having already taken the time to cross check the problem at my expense. Please review my mail text response for service request RMA ID: 27843. Please also let Peter know as soon as you can.

Re: Near Crash due to Vbar EVO RC Failsafe Event!!
03.08.2024 09:08:29
Hello Raz,

Peter asked me already but we have a special situation here:

- Ulrich is the developer working at home (not Potsdam at Mikado)
- I am the "part time helper for all" as this is not my main job and also not located in Potsdam
- Ralf (Mikado owner) is on vacation
- Edward (full time support and repairs in Potsdam) is currently not available due a serious health issue

So - a t the end - we can't do anything than the standard procedures remotely due time and distance limitations these days. All others need to wait until Edward is back in Potsdam at work.

regards (EN) / Gruss (DE)

Rainer Vetter

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