YGE 95 LVT, no BEC
June 23, 2024 08:37PM

after installing new YGE 95 LVT (fw 1.03530) and connecting it to NEO in my Logo 550 I am not able to adjust BEC voltage via VBCT Evo. On Basic YGE ESC Setup page I see "No BEC" text next to button to change the direction. Other ESC settings and telemetry works as expected. Is the No BEC expected?

Best regards,
Re: YGE 95 LVT, no BEC
June 23, 2024 08:51PM
Not at all - is it still there this way when you close the panel wait 1-2minutes and re-open?

regards (EN) / Gruss (DE)

Rainer Vetter

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Re: YGE 95 LVT, no BEC
June 23, 2024 09:05PM
Hello Rainer,

thank you for quick response. Unfortunately the No BEC persists even after reopening the panel again after few minutes. YGE Status/Info shows all parameters correctly.

Best regards,
Re: YGE 95 LVT, no BEC
June 24, 2024 06:51AM
Hi Tomas!
I had this issue a few days ago too. Read the YGE manual. BEC value support via vbar control is only for HVT one´s ...
For the "small" one, like YGE LVT 35, 65 and 95, you still have to do the "old way" with YGE software ...
I was wondering too ...
best regards, Geri

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/24/2024 06:52AM by Dirtygeri.
Re: YGE 95 LVT, no BEC
June 24, 2024 07:13AM
Hello Geri,
I must have mised that. Thank you for explanation.

Best regards,
Re: YGE 95 LVT, no BEC
June 24, 2024 09:10PM
Hmmm ... i disagree.

I had the 95 LVT in my Logo 550 and still have a 65 LVT on the bench here with 1.03530 loaded.

Both can be set up with my VBar Control EVO. Just tested it. I also did not find a word about this in the manual here.

Is the VBar Control updated?

regards (EN) / Gruss (DE)

Rainer Vetter

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Re: YGE 95 LVT, no BEC
June 25, 2024 11:11AM
Hallo Rainer!
Sehr seltsam, aber ich zeige dir hier gleich 3 Modelle wo es funkt oder auch nicht ...

1. RAW 500 mit VStabi Evo und YGE Saphir - alles OK

Re: YGE 95 LVT, no BEC
June 25, 2024 11:13AM
2. Raw 420 mit VStabi Evo und YGE LVT 95 - keine Einstellmöglichkeit für BEC Spannung

Re: YGE 95 LVT, no BEC
June 25, 2024 11:15AM
3. Elektro Kunstflug Flieger Ventique mit VStabi Neo und Plane Software und YGE LCT 95 - keine Einstellmöglichkeit

Re: YGE 95 LVT, no BEC
June 25, 2024 11:19AM
Aus der Anleitung für 35/65 und 95 LVT:

Die BEC-Spannung lässt sich in der PC-Software mithilfe des
optional erhältlichen USB-Adapter in 0,1V-Schritten einstellen.

Bei der Modus-Programmierung werden alle Parameter dem
Modus entsprechend auf sinnvolle Standardwerte gesetzt und auch
die Gaswege werden automatisch eingelernt. Wir empfehlen
daher, im PC-Tool so wenig wie nötig einzustellen. Im Normalfall
reicht es aus, nachträglich die jeweiligen Telemetrie-Einstellungen
und ggf. die BEC-Spannung anzupassen.

Beste Grüße - Geri
open | download - YGE-35-95LVT.pdf (461.4 KB)
Re: YGE 95 LVT, no BEC
June 25, 2024 11:25AM
Meine Vbar Control EVO (11004046) und Vbar Control Touch (11001254) sind up to date ...
Re: YGE 95 LVT, no BEC
June 25, 2024 12:35PM
I had a phone call with the YGE developer and found out what did go wrong here.

It is aleready solved - so it should now work as before ;-)

Please update the VBar Control touch / EVO.

regards (EN) / Gruss (DE)

Rainer Vetter

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/25/2024 12:36PM by RV.
Re: YGE 95 LVT, no BEC
June 25, 2024 01:39PM
Great job Rainer - THX smileys with beer
Re: YGE 95 LVT, no BEC
June 25, 2024 09:34PM
Hello Rainer,

I've just did the update and it's working! Thank you very much for the fix! smiling smiley

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