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PC Connection Trouble

geschrieben von Razmo 
PC Connection Trouble
11.05.2024 22:17:39

I purchased a new laptop running Windows 10. Downloaded the latest software from your website and installed without error. However, when plugging up my non-vlink NEO it does not establish a connection. I'm not seeing the green USB indication like I did before.

I checked my device manager and see that it requires a driver. However, when searching for the driver. Windows doesn't find one. Where can I download the driver and is there anything else I need to do?

Re: PC Connection Trouble
12.05.2024 06:42:03

Video Playlist on top of this page - the 3rd Video in this playlist covers it.

The driver is there - either you looked in the wrong folder or didn't windows allow to search subfolders or allow to install the driver.

regards (EN) / Gruss (DE)

Rainer Vetter

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