I'm actually not sure about the Silverline, but with NEO, you could try the following:
. Multiplexer Macrocell at the servo port
. Switch Motor
. Position low (motor off) e.g. a yet unused Macrocell (say 30), Fixed, position so Glow is always off when the engine is off, this might give extra safety and would override the glow switch.
... alternatevely, same, 3-Level, input Glow-Switch Off-On-Off?
. Position center (idle) same, say 31, type Channel or 3-Level, Input the 'Glow' switch (or the alternative without the fixed-off cell).
. Position high (run) same, again 31, Input same or same.
With Silverline, you could most certainly use the motor switch (only) in an off-on-on way (motor off-idle-run), but that would mean, ignition is always on, or maybe also off-on-off, but I'd have to try and see for myself. Or you do
https://www.vstabi.info/en/mc for ideas (NEO/EVO, same principle as on Classic, but different UI on Touch/EVO).
https://www.vstabi.info/en/node/1797 for the more limited options of legacy VBars.
Kind regards
Born to fly ...
forced to work.