Jumpy controls on Vplane
14.08.2023 05:39:45
Have a friend with a VPlane setup on a turbine jet using two VBar Neos. First flew it with the default flight settings but it had a slow dolphin like wag on all axis. Changed gain settings but it had no effect on it. We then lowered the Integral gains from default of 30 to 20 and even 15 and it seems to now fly smoothly.

The problem is that in bank 1 (no gyro) it performs perfectly to inputs and is a pleasure to fly, but if using bank 2 or 3 (with gyro) the controls are super sensitive even with high EXPO and low AGILITY and it is as if the aircraft reacts very quickly to a small input and "jumps" if any small elevator or aileron input is given. He has 6 other turbines jets that all perform flawlessly with near default flight settings, all with Vbar Neos.

Any hints on what to change or do to get it as smooth as the other jets he has?

Setup and macrocells attached


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Re: Jumpy controls on Vplane
28.08.2023 16:16:36
Hi All

Any answers on this?

VControl, VBar on all.
Re: Jumpy controls on Vplane
31.08.2023 09:41:09

no idea, I'm afraid, else I would have answered.
The person with the most hands-on VPlane-tweaking-experience is probably Kyle Dahl, maybe he can shed some light?


Born to fly ...
forced to work.
Re: Jumpy controls on Vplane
19.10.2023 16:04:26
Hi Peter,

Out of curiosity, before changing any other values, had you first tried adjusting the throttle to gain reduction setting? Or possible a better question. What is your friends throttle to gain reduction setting on his other aircraft?

With my VBCT Evo, I'm noticing the gain reduction setting is defaulted to 0. However, I'm trying figure out why my VBCT Evo only seems to allow such adjustment for bank 3. Kyle has mentioned he found a gain reduction value of 20 optimal for Jet use. However, Kyle mentions the throttle to gain reduction should be your very first change before changing any other gains from their default.


1 mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 19.10.2023 16:05 von Razmo.
Re: Jumpy controls on Vplane
04.12.2023 21:40:56
Probably late to the party, but maybe this helps or provides clues: I fly a turbine jet with two Neos. One functions as the rx/gyro, the other as a sensor hub. The rx/gyro is perfectly aligned this the planes axes. I played around with custom gyro settings and then reset it to its default values which work best for me. Might be worth mentioning that the rx/gyros is as far away from the turbine as possible, and in between both is a soft tank which might help dampen resonance from the turbine. John from The Lighter Side of RC mentioned in one of his videos that the gyros he uses can be affected by resonance (not vibration). He even put the gyro in a hushbox. Wasn’t necessary for my setup. Perfect alignment, away from the turbine and default values did it for me.
Re: Jumpy controls on Vplane
05.12.2023 12:00:08
Hi Jo,

thank you for your input!

I'm wondering about that hush box gadget you mention, is it something homemade, or are there products around?
I recall that <another brand's system> required a 3D printed (or so it seemed) what I'd nickname 'preservative', when used with turbines, particularly with twin-shaft varieties.
But so far no such issues have been reported, neither with Silverline (latest legacy VBar) nor with NEO/EVO.
Doesn't mean that a hush box wouldn't help smiling smiley and any real-world experience is most highly appreciated!

If this topic is still hot, Peter or his friend might be interested.

The tank, that's another story: first, liquid acts as a powerful dampener, to UHF radio frequencies. Then, I was made aware that even the fuel lines can cause static issues, and that, on full-size aircraft as well as on model turbines, additives can be used to minimize that effect.
I doubt that this affects flight or gyro stabilization as described above, but it's certainly something to keep in mind—if it isn't already there smiling smiley


Born to fly ...
forced to work.
Re: Jumpy controls on Vplane
05.12.2023 18:51:11
Hi Eddi

Problem was resolved by fitting a new Neo as the master Neo in his setup. So all good now. The Neo is now fitted to a heli and performs perfectly.


VControl, VBar on all.
Re: Jumpy controls on Vplane
05.12.2023 22:38:36
Hi Eddi,

John covered a gyro with foam pieces, building what he called a hushbox. Nothing commercial. Tried to find the video but couldn’t. John’s gyro was stand-alone. Not sure if I’d do that with a Neo as mine get pretty warm, so not sure if it likes the insulation.


Re: Jumpy controls on Vplane
06.12.2023 10:20:22
Hi Peter,

thanks for sharing. One more for the category 'sensor voodoo' ...

Jo, thank you as well. I guess I wouldn't change anything unless I noticed something weird.
About temperature, good thinking. I have no idea when heat build-up would start interfering.
As long as the temperature is not changing quickly or significantly, I guess all should be well. If, temperature drift might occur.



Born to fly ...
forced to work.
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